Sunday, February 7, 2010

last post

1. Using your favourite metaphor, describe the most important lesson that you had learnt in your EIR journey.

I will say my EIR journey is like ‘pizza’. It is because pizza is as nice as EIR lesson and interesting. And there is lots of varieties so that you will not get bored.
Most important lesson that I have learnt is how to search effectively in search engine, it help me in all kind of project that I am dealing with.

2. Write a paragraph summarizing your findings on your research topic.

Drug abuse can negatively affect every system of the human body. Organ function, circulatory and hormone systems, fertility, and brain chemistry, function and structure are all at risk. With prolonged use, drugs can cause significant and permanent psychological damage; young drug abusers are at a higher risk for developing mental disorders, like depression and anxiety. Serious changes in behavior is a common sign of drug use in young people, including withdrawal from family, a resentful attitude, violence or aggression, risky sexual behavior, and abandoning old friendships. Drug use has a serious impact on a child's education; typical signs include falling grades, withdrawal from regular school activities, increased absence and dropping out.
We should not let obsolete Christian beliefs decide on whether or not to legalise euthanasia. We need to let science decide on whether or not euthanasia should be legalised.

Friday, January 22, 2010

post 5

a. Which criteria did you use to evaluate Why did you choose this criteria? What lessons have you learnt from this activity?

I evaluate by find out the purpose, coverage, accessibility, presentation and agreement, and usability. I will emphasize on accessibility. There was not any restriction to access through registration and logging in. The images and existence of thumbnails are available.

Through this activity, I have learnt not to trust online sources too easily as the information they provide may not be accurate.

b. How do you feel about sharing your views via Wiki?

I felt that we can learn a lot of things from other people as we can get some comments. And it is fun to share with many people

Monday, January 4, 2010

post 4

Do you think it is more effective to search the invisible web (databases) than using search engines, meta-search or subject directories? Why?

No, I think that search engines, meta-search or subject directories are more effective than to search using invisible web (databases) as I had tried using Invisible web gateways to research on my topic, but this invisible web do not have much information for me to use. Although, the information was reliable due to the resources being maintained by government agencies and non-profit organizations. Still, there were irrelevant resources found and limited information.

Friday, December 4, 2009


This week we had our 1st class test. I didn’t really study much but I get 15/20 haha. Not bad results considered that I didn’t study for this.

After the class test, teacher show us the different type of search engines like directory, Meta search engines and invisible web. Although these search engines narrow down the search result, it doesn’t really help me as some results were irrelevant. The limited results also do not offer me much option. After that, teacher also showed us sample of the previous badge of student’s project.

Friday, November 13, 2009


I was taught how to form effective search query. One of the strategies is to use variations for the keywords. In other words, using synonyms for your keywords. This is useful as information from the web might not include the exact keyword that you use but contain the relevant information. In addition to that, we were also taught how to use symbols such as “”, * and the word AND to further enhance our search query. Each of those has a different purpose for example the “” sign is to tell the search engine that you want the specific and exact word or phrase for the results.